Bucharest Chamber of Commerce and Industry
4 Ion Ghica Street, sector 3, Bucharest

“I wish the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Capital to be a steadfast example and that its work in the economic field, always inspired by the general interest of the country, be fruitful and prolific”, declared King Carol I, in 1911, on the occasion of the inauguration of the Chamber and Stock Exchange Palace. More than 110 years have passed since then, but the building with its monumental frontage, richly decorated, with a portal dominated by allegorical figures symbolizing industry and commerce, which has survived two world wars and two devastating earthquakes, is still a landmark in the architectural landscape of the capital.
In October 2008, by a final and irrevocable court decision, the building became part of the patrimony of the Bucharest Chamber of Commerce and Industry, an institution that has set itself the goal of restoring the historic building to its former grandeur and brilliance, so that it can once again become what it was in the interwar period - “a home of businessmen”.
Today, in the heart of Bucharest, in the immediate vicinity of the National Bank of Romania, the business community has a modern business centre, with 6 halls, with a total capacity of 500 seats, capable of hosting international congresses and conferences, seminars and courses. Cultural projects and those initiated by academia and universities also find their ideal place.
To enhance the value of the Palace, the Bucharest Chamber of Commerce and Industry opened the Carol I Fund Foundation, headed by Mr. Iuliu Stocklosa, Honorary President being HRH Prince Jean of Luxembourg.
The Ballroom of the BCCI Palace, located on the 3rd floor, has impeccable acoustics and a unique architecture, with a balcony above the entrance.